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Major Job Performance Responsibilities and Key Duties

  1. Structures a physical classroom environment conducive to learning
  2. Establishes efficient classroom management procedures
  3. Establishes and maintains standards of pupil behavior
  4. Establishes a system of student evaluation within the guidelines prescribed in State of Missouri law or adopted by the school district
  5. Continually evaluates and records various aspects of students' progress and reports to parents as needed and required
  6. Teaches within the course of study for his/her subject area or at his/her grade level as prescribed in State of Missouri law or adopted by the school district
  7. Understands and plans lessons leading to subject area objectives
  8. Provides a variety of planned learning experiences using a variety of media and methods in order to motivate students and best utilize available time for instruction
  9. Identifies pupil needs and cooperates with other professional staff members in assessing and helping students resolve health, attitude, and learning problems
  10. Is available for counseling with students and parents before and after school during reasonable work day times
  11. Participates in the development and revision of course outlines for the classes he/she teaches. This shall include goals and performance objectives for students, course content and learning activities, evaluative procedures, and instructional materials
  12. Performs basic attendance and lunch accounting and administrative tasks as required
  13. Observes the designated working hours per the job assignment and the uniqueness of each assignment
  14. Is available for special assignments which could be assigned as a result of a reasonable request from the administrative staff. Obvious positive consideration will be extended to the teacher and his/her school day commitments.
  15. Attends school and district/state professional meetings when contracted
  16. Performs campus supervision as needed
  17. Shares the responsibility of interpreting the education program to the community through such activities as open house, back-to-school nights, etc.
  18. Seeks to improve his/her competency by periodically participating in some form of professional growth; such as professional seminar or workshop or meeting attendance or professional graduate study
  19. Participates cooperatively with the Principal to develop the system by which he/she will be evaluated in conformance with the district's uniform guidelines for evaluation and assessment
  20. Assumes the responsibility for written lesson plans and other required items for substitutes
  21. Plans and coordinates the work of volunteers, aides and other paraprofessional and student teachers (where applicable)



  1. Appropriate State of Illinois credentials minimally
  2. B.A. or B.S. Degree –from accredited college/university
  3. Experience commensurate with assignment


Terms of Employment

180 days with salary to be established by the Board of Education annually.

Other benefits.

Additional Notes

Western Junior High School is located in Kinderhook, Illinois.  The building has a full-time Principal, part-time counselor, and other support systems in place for all staff and students.  There are approximately 10 staff and 100 students located at WJHS.

How to Apply

Please send any letters of interest and a completed application (Western CUSD 12 Teacher Application) to Darin Powell (Superintendent) at dpowell@westerncusd12.org.

Job Posting Date


Start Date
