BHS Athletic Director Job Responsibilities:
- Development, revision and execution of the extracurricular policies.
- Work with administration on the preparation of the extracurricular budget.
- Administration of the extracurricular budgets, in consultation with the principal, for the high school extracurricular programs.
- The development of schedules for all extracurricular programs.
- Contracting of officials for all extracurricular contests.
- Supervision of coaches to see that:
- Business-like procedures are followed in making purchases and staying within the budget.
- Practice and game areas are properly used.
- Equipment is accounted and cared for in an efficient manner.
- That extracurricular policies are followed by all coaches.
- Evaluations of coaches are done effectively to determine retention and/or recommended changes.
- Care of contest management details.
- Assist in game supervision, which is a duty shared with administration.
- Represent the school in the Conference and IHSA, as needed.
- Advise the principal as to problems, developments, and needs in the extracurricular areas.
- Keep abreast of IHSA regulations and requirements.
- Provide for publicity and recognition of athletes, contests, programs, and sports, including the use of social media.
- Assist coaches in ways that allow them to spend as much time coaching, rather than managing.
- Schedule high school facilities, when needed by several different groups or teams.
- Maintain district athletics calendar for community viewing.
Stipend has negotiated by Brimfield CUSD and BEA.
How to Apply
Send resume, letter of interest, and two letters of recommendation to Marcy Steele at marcy.steele@brimfield309.com