The teacher will be responsible for teaching two 60-minute blocks of 8th grade mathematics and two 60-minute blocks of Algebra. Our curriculum is Eureka Math. Along with this, the teacher is responsible for teaching an Exploratory block and also working with our students by remediating them using RtI. Our RtI program is STAR 360. This position has a 60-minute prep period and a 30-minute duty free lunch.
The candidate must be endorsed to teach middle school math and have a current PEL.
The starting salary for AY '26 is $41,602. We are on a salary schedule and experience would move the candidate up on the salary schedule. Please see our website at IW#10 to see the current schedule for salary. Also, we have insurance benefits, a life insurance policy and also a signing bonus.
How to Apply
Please email a cover letter and resume to Mr. Duane Ehmen. dehmen@iwest.k12.il.us