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  1. Supervises the Academy’s educational process.
  2. Assists the superintendent in the planning, organization and direct implementation of all Academy activities.
  3. Initiates, designs and implements programs to meet specific needs of the Academy. 
  4. Keeps the superintendent informed of the Academy’s activities and problems. 
  5. Service as an ex-officio member of the Saint Bede Academy Board of Trustees.
  6. Serves as a liaison officer between the professional staff and the administration and Board of Trustees.
  7. Makes recommendations to the superintendent concerning administrative and instructional staffing needs. 
  8. Utilizes EvaluWise® teacher evaluation software and app in conducting observations and providing feedback to teachers in the evaluation process.
  9. Interprets and implements Board of Trustees policies and administrative rules and regulations.
  10. Chairs and conducts Academy committees such as the student success team and the principal’s advisory committee. 
  11. Serves on the Superintendent’s Administrative Team.
  12. Prepares or supervises the preparation of reports, records, lists and all other paperwork required or appropriate including but not limited to:
  13. Student Management System – Teacherease
    • Learning Management System - Teacherease
    • Report Cards, student status reports and deficiency notices
    • Honor Roll
    • Local reports (driver’s education list, student assistance program reports)
    • Illinois State Board of Education reports (Non-public registration, non-public recognition report, immunization report, etc)
    • IHSA reports (annual entry forms, eligibility requests, transfer reports)
    • National Catholic Educational Association reports (annual school summary)
  1. Participates in principals’ meetings and such other meetings as are required.
    • Area Career Center 
    • Illinois High School Association
    • Tri-County Conference 
    • Keeps abreast of change and developments in the education profession by attending professional meetings.
  1. Plans and supervises fire, tornado, ALICE, and any other emergency drills.
  2. Maintains a master calendar of events.
  3. Performs any other duties as assigned by the Superintendent.


  • Illinois Professional Education License - Principal Endorsement
  • At least two years of experience as a classroom teacher


Salary is very regionally competitive and commensurate with experience. Outstanding benefit package. 

Additional Notes

St. Bede Academy has been providing quality Catholic education in North Central Illinois for over 125 years. While we pride ourselves in our rich history and tradition, we understand the ever-changing needs of students today. Our goal is to provide students with an education that will not only develop their minds, but also strengthen their character preparing them for life's challenges. Currently, 98% of our students attend some type of post-secondary schooling. Traditionally, our ACT scores rank #1 in the surrounding area and many of our Top Ten students graduate with a GPA above a 4.0. 97% of our students participate in extra-curricular activities. Our objective is to get and keep students involved. The more they do, the more they learn. Every experience is a life lesson. The academic environment at St. Bede encourages students to excel, both in and out of the classroom. We commit to having graduates leave the Academy ready both spiritually and academically, for life in the real world. 

How to Apply

Send or email a letter of interest, resume, letters of recommendation, copy of license/certificate and transcripts to: Mrs. Eve Postula, Superintendent at epostula@st-bede.com.  

Email Address


Job Posting Date


Start Date
