Share: Print: Duties Conduct extensive psychological examinations of referred students. Attend Domain/Eligibility Review (ER) and/or Individual Education Plans (IEP), STAT/RtI meetings as appropriate. Attends Problem Solving Team (PST) and/or Data Meetings as appropriate. Ensure that student progress is evaluated on a regular, systematic basis and that findings are used in making decisions to improve student achievement. Assist in ensuring that the special or adapted curriculum is responsive to students needs as well as in the development of programs. Provide consultative services to school personnel and parents. Address the needs of at-risk students with all staff. Maintain a working knowledge of district curricula and instructional strategies. Assist in monitoring the instructional process to ensure that program activities are aligned with desired outcomes. Analyze outcomes and evaluate instructional support programs to recommend appropriate changes in purposes, designs, materials and implementation. Provide ample time, resources, and materials to support Interns/Externs in accomplishing goals and collaborating on psychological evaluations. Participate in parent teacher conferences upon request, regarding any student whether or not with special needs. Serve as a resource regarding students with impairments for school personnel and conduct appropriate research. Interpret diagnoses and school psychological services to teachers, parents, administration, other concerned personnel, and students. Make recommendations on ways to assist a student in the RtI process before referred for a comprehensive case study evaluation. Completes other duties as assigned by administration pertaining to the aforementioned position. Qualifications Valid Illinois State Board of Education Professional Educator License required School Psychologist Pre-K through Age 22 Endorsement required Salary/Benefits Please see the Professional Negotiated Agreement Here How to Apply Please click here Email Address School District Position Website City Website ILearn Link ILearn Report Card Link Illinois Report Card Job Posting Date 1/9/2025 Start Date 7/1/2025 Share: Print: Job Alerts Sign Up