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Work in small settings with students and families using trauma informed practices.

Design and implement IL standards aligned lessons.


IL Professional Educators License


Ability to attend ROE #3 professional development

Regionally competitive salary. 

Insurance and maternity / paternity leave

Additional Notes

Who we are:

We are a Youth Education Services (YES) alternative school through ROE #3 located in Litchfield IL. Our referral system helps us find students who experience difficulties in large settings, suffer from anxiety, need credit recovery, or are truant. Our focus is on helping students excel in a smaller setting. Our smaller enrollment allows us to develop meaningful relationships and understand the learning style that best suits the student population. We work to ensure that each day, the students come to a welcoming environment, knowing their teachers care for them and want to help them find success. We have a very supportive staff who collaborate as well as co-teach.

The candidate will teach Science and English classes with the possibility of elective classes

What a typical day looks like:

Teachers arrive by 8:00 am. School starts at 8:30. There are seven 45 minute classes with a 30 minute lunch period for students. It is a smaller setting so there is no time lost for transitions. Students leave at 2:15 pm. Staff can leave at 3. There is a staff meeting every Wednesday. 


The school consists of 1 administrator, 1 administrative assistant, 1 Middle School Teacher, 2 High School Teachers, 1 Classroom Engagement Specialist, and 1 Student Support Specialist. 


We have students from Christian and Montgomery counties. The schools include but are not limited to Edinburg, Hillsboro, Litchfield, Morrisonville, Pana, Panhandle (Lincolnwood), South Fork, and Taylorville. We also have developed community partnerships to get our students involved in activities outside of the school. 

Moving forward:

As we continue to grow, we look forward to developing more programs inside and outside of the school. We will be moving towards project based learning and focusing on co teaching.


How to Apply

Letter of application, resume, and credentials to:

Jake Elliott

1100 N Old Route 66

Litchfield, IL 62056

Or Email to:


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Job Posting Date


Start Date