Mendota High School District #280 will be hiring a full-time Spanish/ELL teacher for the 2025-2026 school year. Classes could include Spanish 1-4, Spanish Language Arts and English for Mastery. Sponsorship and coaching opportunities are also available.
Proper IL licensure.
**Consideration may be given a short-term PEL applicant. https://www.isbe.net/Pages/educator-licensure-approvals.aspx
MHS offers a competitive salary and benefits package. The board shall pay up to 10% of the scheduled salary figure directly to the Teachers’ Retirement System. The board shall also pay up to 0.84% of the member T.H.I.S. insurance paid directly to the appropriate state agency. MHS teachers work within a 5 by 5 salary index. (5% raise for each year of experience, and 5% raise for moving over with education) New hires (B.S. + 0 years) begin on Step 3 of the salary index, $42,270 for the 2024-2025 school year. IL Blue Cross and Blue Shield Insurance is available.
Additional Notes
MHS teachers teach 5 of 7 classes with two duty-free preps daily (94 minutes of prep). One 30-minute intervention/advisory period is taught during period 8. Additional stipend opportunities are available if a teacher accepts a study hall supervision. Additional coaching and club/class sponsorships are available.
How to Apply
Send a letter of interest, resume, and a copy of teaching license/credentials to Mr. Joe Masini, Principal, Mendota High School, 2300 West Main Street, Mendota, IL 61342. The vacancy is open until filled. Fax applications to 815-538-2026. Email applications to joemasini@mendotahs.org.