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Special Education Teacher in a K-8 building.  We have created a second Special Education Teacher position for the school to split the caseload.  Teachers will work collectively with the other Special Education Teacher and General Education teachers on planning and implementing IEPs and 504s and to establish a positive learning environment which coordinates and follows the district curriculum and policies.


 Valid PEL with LBS1 Endorsement


Per Collective Bargaining Agreement through 2025-2026.

Salary Schedule Link:  https://5il.co/2fvt2 

First Year Salary  for 25-26 School year $42,280.62 / with TRS $46,462.22

Board Paid TRS

Board pays $750 towards insurance, which currently fully covers the employee insurance

12 Sick Days, 3 Personal Days

Additional Notes

-Great school and work environment

-Administrative Support

-Support provided from Special Education Cooperative

-Professional Development Opportunities


How to Apply

Please email letter of interest and resume to Jared Ellison, superintendent @ ellisonj@gifford.k12.il.us

Please feel free to reach out with any questions via email or by phone @ (217) 568-7733.

Job Posting Date


Start Date
